Posted by : Unknown Saturday, April 14, 2012

Status Register (or Flag register).  A flag register contains a number of flags either to indicate certain conditions arising after arithmetic and logical operations or to control certain operations. The flags which indicate conditions are known as condition flags. The flags which are used to control certain operations are called control flags. A flag is a flip-flop which is set or reset by the processor to indicate certain conditions or set/reset by the programmer to control certain operations. 
Intel 8085 contains the following condition flags:

§  Carry flag - it indicates whether there is carry or not after an arithmetic and logical operation.

§  Zero flag   - it indicates whether the result of an arithmetic or logical operation is zero or nonzero.

§  Sign flag   - it indicates whether the result is positive or negative,

§  Parity flag- it indicates whether the result contains odd number of 1s or even number of 1s.

§   Auxiliary carry (or half carry), that is carry from the 3rd bit to 4th is also indicated.

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